School of Environmental Sciences

Alumni thesis works


Michal Shovar, "Veteran Citizens at Nature Sites: Using Old Age Simulation Suits as a Planning Support Tool". Supervisor: Prof. Noga Collins-Kreiner


Aya Shalmon, "Spatial and environmental aspects of SUV damage in agricultural fields". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon and Dr. Moshe Gish

Boaz David, "The Impact of Presenting Financial Information on Intent to Adopt Home Solar Systems". Supervisor: Prof. Ofira Ayalon and Dr. Ruslana Platnik

Maram Sarhan Atallah, "Separation of the effects of daylight and night light exposure on obesity, overweight and cancer morbidity worldwide". Supervisor: Professor Boris Portnov


Yoav Bornstein,"Environmental Decision Support Systems as a Service: Demonstration on CE-QUAL-W2 Model". Supervisor: Dr. Mosheur Sense.

Lian Volovalski, "The effect of land use on the home range of domestic cats". Supervisor: Dr. Moshe Gish.

Anat Dines, "The Israeli public's willingness to reduce the use of disposable plastic products on the beaches ". Supervisor: Dr. Tamar Troop.


Tomer Aaron,"Info-Gap models for Optimal Multi-Year Management of Regional Water Resources Systems under Uncertainty". Supervisor: Dr. Moshor Housh.


Ricky Levine, "Characterization of localities with a high likelihood of illicit connections between runoff and shift system". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov and Dr. Moshor Housh.

Almog Litman, "The effect of the terminology of expiry dates on consumer behavior to reduce food loss". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon and Dr. Or Chen Foundation.

Encourage stronghold, "The public's willingness to pay for pesticide-reduced fruits and vegetables". Supervisors:Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Tzipi did.

Odelia Schreirra, "Impact of creative project-based learning using media tools – photography and graphic design – on the environmental literature of high school and "college students. Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Tzipi did.

Holy Noy, "Identify cyber attacks on a water supply system by using a single-value classification". Supervisors: Dr. Mosheur Sense And Dr. Alex Fried.


Omar Khutkowski, "Trends, developments and changes in the negotiation discourse under the Climate Convention". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Or Krasin.

Uri Lutsky, "Examining the Factors Affecting the Cyber Protection Market on Critical Energy Infrastructure". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Elam Gopher.

Zenam, "Spiders in an agroecological system-vineyard". Supervisors: Dr. Moshe Gish, Prof. Yael Lubin and Dr. Efrat Crystal-Rab.

Most of the dew, "Quantifying the interdependency, reliability and vulnerability of interdependent systems". Supervisors: Dr. Mosheur Sense And Dr. Danny Breitman.

Niva Tadmor-Shale, "Cost-benefit analysis of protein production from marine algae and probability of future protein price". Supervisors: Prof. Dan Chernov, Dr. Shamir Plant Songs and Dr. Amir Nauri.

Rose Il Saldinger, "Carob trees in new residential neighborhoods in Israel: Implementing knowledge in planning and execution". Supervisors: Dr. Tamar Troop And Dr. Galia Hanoch is grazing.

Yaniv Reuben, "A cross-sectional study to examine the relationship between air pollution in the Haifa metropolis and morbidity in the Hod Carmel neighborhood of Haifa". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Professor Xi Lin.


Radiant leaves, "Developing a Comprehensive Model for Existing River Mirroring (Social – Economic – Environmental)". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Dr. Hussein Trabia and Dr. Tzipi Eshet.

Naju Base, "Smoking Men in the Druze Witness in Israel: Environmental and Socioeconomic Aspects". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Professor Abraham is alive.

Shoshi Horizon, "Incentives for green construction and their impact on the decision-making process of major players". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Sagi Akron.

Khatam Dalasha, "Health Risk Assessment in the Asphalt Plant Environment in the Village of Buena-Nudidat". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Jonathan Dubnov.

Gilad Ben Meyer, "Planning a model for an agricultural farm according to the principles of sustainability". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Michal Gross.


Naama Shapiro, "Analysis of environmental-economic conflicts using tools from game theory". Supervisors: Dr. Mosheur Sense And Dr. Leah Cronbenter-Goldstein.

Tel Silver, "Building a spatial fishing model in the Sea of Galilee to examine the fishing interface in the lake". Supervisors: Dr. Mosheur Sense And Dr. Gideon Gal.

Sarit Dabashuili, "Impact of air pollution on cancer morbidity in the Gulf of Haifa region with national comparisons". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Little Keenan-Morning.

Tamir banks, "The relationship between exposure to artificial light and obesity". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Professor Abraham is alive.

Miriam Abuasel Agabria, "Developing a model for optimal management of wastewater treatment to advanced level and irrigation in effluents". Supervisors: Dr. Mosheur Sense And Prof. Uri Shamir.

Libs era, "The economic impact of gas discoveries in Israel". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Ruslana Platnik.


Hairy Licht, "Better management of surplus agricultural produce (vegetables and fruits)". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Tzipi did.

Pine Azari, "Economic Assessment of the Botanical Garden at Pine College". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Dr. Tzipi Eshet and Dr. Michal Gross.

Lior Mount Sagi, "The Impact of Social Cohesion on Environmental Awareness and Existing Lifestyle". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Tali Katz Gru.

Zion with me, "Treatment of contaminated soil with fuels using plants". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Dr. Path Dudai and Dr. Shamir Plant Songs.

Accommodation Grotoboy, "Assessing Consumer Attitudes and Concepts in Israel on Environmental Labels, Environmental Branding and Social Marketing". Supervisors: Dr. Karen Or Chen and Dr. Cloud Gesser.

Zoya Ziberfarb, "Public acceptance of gray reusable water systems in the city of Degoth-Tarashha". Supervisors: Dr. Andrea Gramandi And Dr. Ruslana Platnik.

Adi Chapel, "Analysis of emissions reports and transfers to the environment in Israel (2012 and 2013) and their comparison to Germany (2012)". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim andProf. Ofira Elon.

Omar Lavi, "Producing Wind Energy in Israel and Its Environmental Impact". Supervisors: Prof. Naam Greenbaum And Prof. Haim Kothiel.

Levi fan, "Customers' willingness to adopt the use of the Smart Grid (Smart Grid) of the IEC". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Elon, Dr. Karen Or Chen and Dr. Kobe Yehav.


Itzik launched, "The Impact of Opening the Carmel Tunnels on Air Quality in Haifa". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Bernanda Flickstein.

Mia Ginsburg, "The differences between communities as measured in their ecological footprint index". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Tali Katz Gru.

Orna Raviv, "Economic Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines for Energy Production". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Ruslana Platnik.

No profit, "Comparative Environmental Impact of Different Settlement Forms: The Use of the Ecological Way as a Measurement Tool". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Midd Kissinger.

Dana Minis, "Greenhouse gas emissions CH4, N2O, CO2 from dairy cow deposits: a combination of different mechanical treatments to reduce emissions". Supervisor: Prof. Abraham Haim.

Smadar Tanner, "The Impact of Agricultural Processing on Les Soil Quality and Wind Drifting Potential". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim And Dr. Isaac Katra.

Mahmoud Taha, "Management of the water sector by a water and regional sewerage corporation (incorporating more than two localities within it) compared to a single authority corporation (incorporating one locality within it)". Supervisors: Dr. Naam Greenbaum And Prof. Rasem Khmisi.

Yoav Peled, "Economic Analysis of Ecosystem Services arising from various land conservation interfaces in a young orchard in Sharon". Supervisors: Dr. Shamir Plant Songs and Dr. Marcelo Sternberg.

Eran Drexler, "Changes in the composition of runoff water as a result of the change to soil and vegetation in Carmel, after the December 2010 fire". Supervisors: Dr. Naam Greenbaum, Dr. Leah Wittenberg and Dr. Dan Malkinson.

A chaplain I will carry, "Economic aspects of the perception of sustainability among environmental educators in Israel". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. and Muki Gross.

Glowing tally, "Examining changes in home power habits as a result of installing solar panels on home roofs". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Yael Poppy.

Father of Algezi, "Analysis of the costs of dealing with the coastal power plants, with the invasion of jellyfish to the marine facilities". Supervisors: Dr. Anat Glazer and Dr. Keren Or Chen.

Bell Weiss, "The Impact of the Green School Qualification Process on Adopting Existing Culture in the School and Developing Environmental Citizenship of Students". Supervisors: Prof. Ofira Elon, Dr. Dorit Baum and Dr. Daphne Goldman.

Yael Rosenfeld, "Examining the Affinity between Residents and Nearby Urban Nature: Wadi Lotem as an Exploration Case". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim andDr. Tamar Troop.

Ronan Fleur, "Assessing how to implement the topic of" climate change "in Israeli high schools". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Efrat Elam.


Spring, "Organic Agriculture in Close proximity to the locality as a green home front that provides environmental services for settlement and economic benefits, lowers ecological path and reduces negative externalities". Supervisors: Professor Abraham Haim and Dr. Daphne Disney.

Uri Ben Haim, "Environmental Management Strategies for Sea Ports: A Case Study of Haifa Port". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Prof. Judah are animals.

Moore Samuelson, "Technological and Economic Examination of Colors for Linkage Prevention ( Pauling ), as an eco-friendly alternative to chlorine use, in water-cooling systems of coastal power plants". Supervisors: Prof. Yuval Cohen and Dr. Anat Glazer.

Moore Roseman, "Implementing alternatives to protect the cliff retreat at the Yanai beach according to public preference". Supervisors: Dr. Tzipi Eshet and Dr. Michael Lazar.

smart gift, "Examining change of political positions and voting for green students / students following exposure to environmental education in schools / universities". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Elon, Dr. Dorit Baum and Dr. Daphne Goldman.

Nebrew, "Technological development for heat disinfection of palm trees: Nur as a replacement for methyl iodine". Supervisors: Prof. Moshe Amber and Professor Nir Becker.


Ido Greenberg, "Preference for stock investments in companies that depend on their environmental behavior, with small investors in Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Doron Lavie.

Bronze Fellow, "The Economic Feasibility of Restoring the Commercial Fisheries Industry in the Mediterranean, Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Daphne Disney and Professor Ehud Shapnier.

Amos Stibelman, "Waste as a Resource: Examining Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits from Utilizing Plastic Waste in Israel, through Cost-Benefit Analysis and Lifecycle Assessment". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Tzipi did.

June Stern, "Sustainable development in tourism in fact and examining its candidacy for a list of World Heritage Sites". Supervisors: Dr. Naam Greenbaum And Dr. Noga Collins.

Digging songs, "Reducing the Use of Plastic Carrying Bags: Analyzing Alternatives to Addressing the Problem". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Tzipi did.

Hadas Yelnik, "Examining a Composting Project in Buildings in the Vineyard neighborhood of Jerusalem, from a Local Project to an Urban Project". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Michal Yuval.


Naomi Ken Lee Carmi, "Merging Ecological Needs and Social Preferences to Create a Sustainable System in the Economic Aspect, in the Carmel Biosphere Reserve". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Daphne Disney.


Nachmani container, "Legal Economic Examination of Implementation of Regulatory Measures in the Energy Efficiency of Lighting in Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Daphne Disney and Attorney Zvi Levinson.

Miracles Uzi, "The Persian Donkey (Dama MesopotamicaCarmel Bar: Demographic model provided by me with a Leslie matrix and cost-benefit analysis". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter and Professor David Zelz.


In the name of Butlair, "A Fluorocent follower as a tool in managing water pollution events that led to an economic analysis of the 2005 Waste Survey and its significance on the treatment of solid waste in Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Naam Greenbaum And Dr. Daphne Disney.

Phone back, "Economic Analysis of the 2005 Waste Survey and its Meaning of Solid Waste Treatment in Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Ido Ken.

Hila Potter, "The concept of 'environmental label' and its impact on consumer decisions of pleasure products versus necessary products". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Yael Steinhart.

Saadia Slim, "Analysis of factors affecting driver behavior and fuel consumption in the Legend Cooperative. Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Solomon Harelli.

Bundle miracles, "An Impact Analysis of Vehicle Perception on Illegal Waste Disposal in Haifa Province". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Solomon Harelli.

Rose Seidman, "Testing the relationship between sand and dust storms (PM10 particles) and meteorological conditions in the Haifa metropolis and the frequency of referrals to hospitals in the region". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov, Dr. Shlomi Paz and Prof. Xi Lin.


Amber lilac, "Consuming Ecological Products with Technological Products: The Role of Innovation". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Elon, Dr. Yael Steinhart and Dr. Ayala Rubio.

Pine Azaria, "Inputing Foreign Species into Israel: Risk Assessment and Management". Supervisors: Dr. Moshe Inbar and Dr. Nir Becker.

Baron's Influence, "Rehabilitation and development of areas suffering from soil contamination in favor of open or masonry land use: Implementing a cost-benefit analysis approach". Supervisors: Dr. Michal Perla and Dr. Ido Ken.

Daoud Abu Daoud, "Examining the ways in which green organizations operate in Jordan and Israel". Supervisors: Prof. Uri Marinov andProf. Boris Portnov.


Alex Roytberg, "Assessing the Environmental Impact of a Touring Package Using the Ecological Footprint Model". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Joel Mansfeld.

David Sedkovich, "Examining the relationship between spatial patterns of air pollution in the Dan block and an air quality monitoring system". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Hadar Coral.

Samia Naffer, "Attraction factors and environmental rejection factors for internal migration of Arab citizens from village to city in Israel". Supervisors : Prof. Boris Portnov And Professor Yossi Ben Artzi.

Tal Weinberg, "Stinging Mosquito Hazards in the Center of the Country: Economic-Environmental Analysis". Supervisors: Dr. Moshe Inbar and Dr. Ido Ken.

Bella Gankin, "Spatial patterns of air pollution, their perception by the public and their impact on city real estate values: a case study of the Haifa region and the incident". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And a Brazilian boar.


Path witnesses, "Measure of implementation of the Environmental Management Standard (ISO 14001) in documented organizations, and factors affecting its implementation". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Bernanda Flickstein.

Encourage Jacoby, "Green construction as a means of saving energy". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov And Dr. Mario Berman.

Royal Weinstock, "Analysis of factors affecting the behavior of cattle cows in grazing areas where river channels flow into the Sea of Galilee". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim andProf. Boris Portnov.

Jonathan Gilban, "Ecological footprint as a tool for suitable urban management: A case study of two residual neighborhoods in the city of Haifa". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim andProf. Boris Portnov.

Danny Breitman, "Economic Analysis of the Separation System in the Origin of Domestic Waste in Israel". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Ido Ken.

Efrat Elimelech, "Administrative aspects of hazardous waste treatment in Israel. Case Study: Haifa City Association". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Bernanda Flickstein.


Liron Shapiro, "Analysis of the Ecological and Spatial Causes of Aquarius Propagation in Kfar Baruch Lake". Supervisors: Prof. Boris Portnov, Prof. Gidi Trustee and Dr. Micah Klein.

Mickey Rappaport-Rom, "Impact of Climate Change on Land Use and Open Territories". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter, Dr. Aliza Fleischer and Dr. Ido Ken.

Roy Federman, "Recycling Organic Material from Household Waste in Israel: Economic and Environmental Aspects". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Ido Ken.

Yuval Cohen, "The Impact of Nycticorax Night Enemies, Nesting in Beit Shean Valley, on Fish Scraping in Rupin Village Fish Ponds and Economic Aspects of This Impact". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Nir Becker.

Tammy Yogb-Baggio (2005) investigates the effects of air pollution in the area of the power plant in her room on changes in lung function in children. Supervisors : Prof. Boris Portnov And Professor Raphael Karel.

Jamal Zrikagen, "The hope of the Yarmouk River as a potential for pollution of the Sea of Galilee". Supervisors: Prof. Arnon Sofer and Dr. Doron Merkel.

Verdi's mucosa, "Examining the effects of climate change and fires on the variety of plant species in Carmel Park". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter and Professor Abraham Haim.

Shi Asig, "The layout, maintenance and usage patterns of public parks in Haifa". Supervisor: Prof. Boris Portnov.


With me Kellogg, "Possible relationship between light infection and breast cancer incidence". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim andProf. Boris Portnov.

Lia Kurt, "Impact of land use and environmental factors on the patterns of release, food and eating of the Euro-Asian eagle (Gyps fulvous) At the Golan Heights". Supervisors: Prof. Ido Yitzhaki, Dr. Yohai Carmel and Dr. Ofar Bhatt.

Helena Segal, "Engineering, Economic and Environmental Solution to Gripping Blown". Supervisors: Dr. Eran Friedler and Dr. Nir Becker.

Naama Lindman, "Ecological-Economic Aspects of the "Crow Project" in the Sick Valley". Supervisors: Prof. Ido Yitzhaki and Dr. Nir Becker.

Hila Tana, "The Biodiversity Convention: Does the State of Israel comply with the Convention it signed". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Alon Tal.

David is alive, "Economic Impacts of Global Climate Change: Assessing Net Income in the Agricultural Sector in Israel as a Function of Precipitation, Temperature and Fertilizers". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter, Prof. Pedro Burlinger and Dr. David Bonfill.

Sharon Goldzon, "Economic Assessment of the Sea Turtle Population Project". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim and Dr. Nir Becker.

Dan Gottlieb, "Bikes of activity and influence of NGOs ("Natural Protection Society" and "Human, Nature and Discussion") on coastal planning in 1997-2003". Supervisors: Prof. Uri Marinov and Dr. Reuben Schwartz.


Second ale, "Economic Aspects in the Rehabilitation of the Waste Mountain". Supervisors: Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Nir Becker.

Shi Levi, "The Impact of Traveling on the Ground and Vegetation in Pine Parking in Carmel". Supervisors: Prof. Amotz Daphne, Dr. Naam Greenbaum And Dr. Gidi is loyal.

Nahum Joshua, "The Impact of Climate Change on the Coast of Israel: An Economic Assessment of the Damages Expected to Israel's Coastal Territories Due to the Rise of the Sea". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter andDr. Naam Greenbaum.

Yael grove, "Bioeconomic Analysis of Eagle Conservation: Assessing the Economic Benefit of Eagle Viewing (Gyps fulvous), And testing costs and biological use characteristics at feeding stations". Supervisors: Dr. Moshe Inbar, Dr. Nir Becker and Dr. Ofer Bhatt.

Daphne Garden, "Administrative aspects related to reducing the amount of waste sent from a landfill site". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter, Prof. Uri Marinov andDr. Ofira Elon.


Midd Kissinger, "The Ecological Road (Ecological Footprint) as a tool for estimating the impact of urban activity on natural resources and the environment". Supervisors: Professor Abraham Haim and Professor Uri Marinov.

It grew, "Analysis of Environmental Impacts Expected from a Global Increase in CO2 Concentration: Macro-Algae with Commercial Potential, as an Economic Biological Model". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Dr. Naomi Zithuni and Dr. Israel Alvaro.

Tammy Milgrom, "Policy Change in the Water Commission: State Comptroller and Water Management in Israel". Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Haim, Prof. Uri Marinov and Dr. Reuben Schwartz.

Iris crystal, "Economic-environmental aspects of applying the" Packaging Law "in Israel, based on a comparative analysis of packaging laws in European countries". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter andDr. Ofira Elon.


Kupstein holidays, "The use of the composition of the small mammalian community as a bio-indicator for the extent of the disruption that exists in recreational receptive ecosystems". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter, Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Dorit Baum.

Michal Polanski, "Comparing the cycle system between a local vegan council and a sublime regional council". Supervisors: Prof. Moti Schechter, Dr. Ofira Ayalon And Dr. Dorit Baum.


Marwan Khushan, "Homologic concentration / distribution of non-surfactant surfactants on the coast of Israel and their physiological effect on fish, as a basis for health or environmental risk assessment". Supervisors: Prof. Uri Zoller and Dr. With me wonders.