School of Environmental Sciences
A degree above
School of Environmental Sciences
A degree above
Welcome to the School of Environmental Sciences

Prof. Lea Wittenberg
Welcome to the School of Environmental Sciences
The School of Environmental Sciences offers cutting edge research and teaching on sustainability and environmental issues. The school's faculty consists of leading researchers from natural sciences, social sciences, earth sciences, and engineering- a unique combination of fields that allows a broad understanding of the interaction between natural and social systems.
A special UN report, "Making Peace with Nature", indicates three unprecedented environmental crises that threaten the existence of humans and the quality of life on earth: climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Many researchers believe we stand at a critical point in dealing with environmental challenges. Albert Einstein said:” Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
The establishment of The School of Environmental Sciences meets the growing demand for the training of researchers, experts, and professionals who will look deep into nature, understand it better, and form the future generation in research, management, planning, and development in various fields of the environmental sciences.
At the School of Environmental Sciences, we foster excellence in research and teaching, and strive to equip our graduates with theoretical knowledge, skills and applied tools to place them at the forefront of environmental research and management.
Undergraduate students can specialize in one or more of the study tracts: Geoinformatics, environment and climate, and sustainable development.
Our graduate (master's and doctoral degrees) programs are designed to deepen professionalization in the world of environmental management, spatial data science and environmental technology, urban sustainability, energy and water resources management, disaster and emergency areas, and more.
Join us for a fascinating and challenging educational journey to understand and improve our environment!