School of Environmental Sciences

PhD studies

In order to receive the PhD degree, the research student must plan and carry out original and independent research, which has an innovation and substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the field of environmental or geographic research, as well as write a scientific essay (doctoral thesis) according to the structure and nomenclature accepted in the research discipline. Also, the research student must successfully complete the curriculum that will be assigned to him and all other duties that apply according to the regulations of the School of Environmental Sciences and the regulations of the Authority for Advanced Studies - the Bloom School of Advanced Studies.

The duration of studies for the PhD is up to four years, and it is divided into two phases: research phases A and B.

Research Phase A: The duration of studies in Research Phase A shall not exceed two years from the beginning of the academic semester in which the student was admitted (including the semester/summer break).

No later than the end of the first academic year, the student will be required to:

  • Complete the research proposal and submit it to the committee.
  • The doctoral committee will accept the doctoral proposal after the approval of the supervisor(s) and pass it on to two referees for review, at least one of whom will be a faculty member outside the university at the rank of senior lecturer or higher.
  • Students starting their studies in 2024: attendance at two training program sessions is a mandatory condition for moving on to the second year of studies.

In addition, students can complete 14 sessions in the training program (2 credits) subject to completing their studies in the normative time as defined in the regulations for PhD studies (4 years in the regular track and five years in the direct track) and subject to the approval of the supervisor and the PhD committee. For more details.

Research Phase B: Research Phase B typically spans a period of four years, commencing from the first semester following the student's acceptance for PhD studies, and concludes at the conclusion of Research Phase A. The student will have the following obligations during this study period:

  • Carrying out the research and writing the doctoral thesis, getting the approval of the supervisor, the approval of the PhD committee, as well as submitting it to Bloom School for review.


  • The candidate has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from a recognized academic institution for higher education in Israel, or abroad and obtained a weighted grade of at least 87 in the master's degree studies. The candidate wrote a research dissertation (thesis) at a recognized academic institution in Israel or abroad that was awarded a grade of at least 87 ("very good" grade).
  • Exceeding the admission conditions as detailed above requires a recommendation from the PhD committee and the approval of the Dean for Advanced Studies.
  • A candidate who wishes to enroll in PhD studies from related disciplines will be required to complete 2-3 courses of up to 6 hours per week with a grade of at least 87 as part of the degree. The committee will coordinate the curriculum with the supervisor(s).
  • A candidate who wishes to enroll in PhD studies that are not from related disciplines or who completed his master's degree studies 10 or more years ago will be required to participate in supplemental courses in the scope of 8-10 hours per week with a grade of at least 87 as part of the degree. The committee will coordinate the curriculum with the supervisor(s).
  • Candidates with a master's degree from a recognized institution of higher education without a thesis will be required to complete a preliminary research study course before starting their doctoral studies.

Candidates with a master's degree from a recognized institution of higher education without a thesis will be required to complete a preliminary research course before starting their doctoral studies.