School of Environmental Sciences


Master's Graduates
רן רזניקוב

Ran Reznikov

My name is Ren Reznikov, and I currently design and implement information systems based on GIS engines for government agencies. I have a background in research from graduate studies in the MA Program for Spatial Information Systems: GIS and Remote Sensing, which Dr. Ana Brook leads. These studies pushed me to gain a thorough understanding of remote sensing and spatial geography and a technical grasp of the operation of spatial information systems.

אודליה שרירא

Odelia Schreirra

In the Department of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Haifa, I was exposed to diverse fields, lovely friends, professional lecturers and a support team. My studies have contributed to my work as a coordinator of environmental and educational ventures. My studies also paved the way for further research work on a doctoral track. The diverse courses in graduate studies included environmental issues, tools for managing and leading changes, and acquiring in-depth knowledge of statistical research tools needed to conduct academic research. In the thesis study, I chose to focus on environmental education, believing that this is the area in which I can contribute and influence. My research examined the impact of a creative project on the use of digital tools and on raising the environmental awareness of high school and college students. The research process was enriching and rewarding, thanks to my excellent advisors, Prof. Ofira Ayalon and Dr. Tzipi Eshet. The general atmosphere in the department is very friendly, perhaps because of the sensitivity and caring of those who understand that the Earth has only one.

יוסי איזנברג

Yossi Eisenberg

My name is Yossi Eisenberg, and I work as a project manager in the planning division of an electrical company. This group of seven workers maps the power system infrastructure in northern Israel. ArcGIS is where mapping is done. I have five years of experience in this field. In the past, I managed survey teams and worked as a GIS analyst for Geoda and Mafro companies. I earned a master's degree in Spatial Information Systems and a Bachelor's degree in Geography from the department. By studying the systems and gaining real-world experience for my degree, I could change careers at age 34 and find employment in the field. A special thanks to Dr. Ana Brook for her advice and guidance during my studies, and to the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies for a very interesting GIS career.

עדינה מור

Adina Moore

Studies in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment have opened a gateway to an enthralling world and comprehension of the burning issues affecting our lives and the lives of future generations. The department covers a wide range of topics and ideologies related to environmental concerns and issues that affect the Earth, our home. Professional tours that best illustrate theoretical study incorporate the in-depth, fascinating, and challenging level of study. Under the expert supervision of Professor Ofira Ayalon and Dr. Dorit Baum, I selected a project on environmental education and its consequences for students' environmental behavior in daily life. The significance of environmental education and its assimilation among students, in my opinion, is a crucial component in altering behavioral patterns and raising awareness of the harm that human activity causes to the environment. I enjoyed very much the fantastic social and professional atmosphere in the department. Everyone, faculty and administrative personnel exerted great efforts to provide encouragement and ensure the curriculum was a positive, high-caliber, and fruitful experience.

אילן לדל

Ilan Ledel

I'm a keen geologist in training who works on several renewable energy initiatives. Living on a kibbutz, I am a farmer who loves to travel around Israel. I had been searching for a Master's degree that would allow me to bridge these worlds and contribute in some small way to our wonderful world for a long time because of the connections between all these issues. My education in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment has given me a thorough understanding of numerous perspectives on these matters and the connection between sustainability, nature, and agriculture. When the Ministry of Agriculture hired me, I was still a student. I worked on a project that focused on the relationship between agriculture and the environment—that is, how willing are farmers to adopt environmental practices? My research topic was this relationship.

In my opinion, agriculture will progressively advance toward a healthier future while supporting the environment.

דוד בועז

David Boaz

I've been interested in environmental issues, changing attitudes, and changing behavior to protect the environment for a long time. I was trying to find a structure to make some order in the chaos. I learned about entire spheres of knowledge that I was unaware of. I thought I was improving myself. I enjoyed exploring seemingly "self-evident" topics and learning about their facets and complexities. I concentrated on the Energy Policy Management program since I think energy sources have the biggest environmental impact in the long run. The adoption of home solar systems is the subject of my thesis research. It introduced me to diverse topics: psychology, behavioral economics, marketing, and finance. My mentors, Dr. Ruslana Rachel Platnik and Prof. Ofira Ayalon, allowed me to handle the research independently and gave me quick draft-custom rounds guidance when needed. They also saw to it that I received funding for my studies. My perspective on the world is more nuanced and expansive now. I'm still working with software in my daily job. I'm still searching for a way to integrate energy and software to improve the environment's future.

עידית הוברמן

Idit Huberman

I am a city planner. I decided to further my education by enrolling in the Natural Resources and Environment program to earn a second master's degree. Studies that have broadened my perspective on the environment and opened my eyes to a fascinating world have greatly benefited my understanding of environmental and natural resource management processes, such as those of national gardens and forests. Fascinating and diverse studies were produced by the research and professors collaborating with field workers in environmental, energy, and natural areas.

יוסי קליק

Yossi Click

My experience at the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment has been productive, educational, fun, and satisfying. The department provides a broad range of study areas, lecture styles, and subject matter experts from different fields, such as infrastructure, planning, and business, in excellent teaching quality. Meeting a variety of students from diverse backgrounds and professions was fascinating. These stimulating interactions fostered mutual learning and a wonderful atmosphere. Everyone is willing to lend a hand, and the University of Haifa offers some of the best student services I've ever come across. A steady breeze, the natural beauty of the nearby forest, and the caliber of people all contribute to the department's and the university's overall great atmosphere. A high quality of living directly tied to the department's environmental theme.

ריקי לוין

Ricky Levine

The studies in the Department of Natural and Environmental Studies in Haifa were diverse and presented various approaches. The environment is pleasant, and the teaching staff is attentive and willing to assist with any request or need. My studies broadened my horizons and sparked my curiosity and desire to explore, learn, and know more. The various courses covered a wide range of fields that assisted me in my research work and taught me how to use a variety of data analysis tools. Throughout my studies, I was exposed to a variety of environments that promote creative, diverse, and unique thinking.

עומר עאצי

Omar Aatsi

After completing my Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering in Germany, I realized that the technical engineering aspect was not enough to address environmental problems. In the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, I was exposed to practical tools that allowed me to see the problems holistically, especially the economic, regulatory, and spatial aspects (GIS).

אלמוג וג'נה (בריילובסקי) ליטמן

Almog and Jenna (Brylovsky) Litman

Above all, our paths first crossed in an urban environment course at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Management. Our friendship eventually blossomed into love and our marriage. We enjoyed the pleasant, encouraging environment and sense of family that Anat Davidi and Moran Altman, and the rest of the department's faculty and administrative staff provided. This team can handle any problem, offering support and one-on-one assistance to any student, regardless of personal or academic challenges. The academic staff welcomes all inquiries and is committed to giving each student individual attention. We also want to emphasize the diversity. The wide range of courses allows students to learn more about the social and economic environments. Students are exposed to the cutting edge of their respective fields by the diverse academic staff members. They are well-informed individuals with diverse professional and innovative environmental research backgrounds. Students from a variety of backgrounds and professions, such as the IEC, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the private sector, engineers, teachers, farmers, government officials, and many others, contribute to lively classroom discussions and lessons. Because of the variety and areas of interest, students can investigate the subject that interests them. For example, Jenna worked in marketing and advertising, creating "Green Wash" campaigns for necessities and pleasure items, whereas my thesis focused on food loss and waste due to expiration dates. The studies are convenient for working people because they are only held two days a week. Furthermore, field trips and seminars are held at key locations in some of the courses. As a result, exposure to what is going on in the field occurs. There is no doubt that the world today recognizes the importance of proper environmental resource management in dealing with the challenges that we face (climate change, fires in Australia, floods in Europe, virus spread, etc.) - the department and the degree provide the tools to deal with these challenges.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree
מארון חדאד

וסים חמדאן

שמי וסים חמדאן ואני בוגר תואר ראשון במסלול הדו חוגי בחוג לגאוגרפיה וארכיאולוגיה באוניברסיטת חיפה, במהלך לימודי בחוג לגאוגרפיה ולימודי הסביבה רכשתי ידע במגוון נושאים רחב והן כלים לעיסוק בתחום, כל מה שלמדתי בחוג היה מרתק אם זה בקורסי החובה ואם זה בקורסי הבחירה שמספק החוג. מהרגע שנכנסתי לבית הספר למדעי הסביבה, קיבלתי השראה מהתשוקה והמסירות של חברי הסגל שהנחו אותנו במסע האקדמי. מהשנה השנייה שלי בתואר ראיתי את עצמי נמשך לתחום המיפוי וגיאו -אינפורמטיקה וכל זה התחיל בזכות החוויה הנפלאה שעברתי בעבודתי על הסמינר בהדרכה האישית של פרופ' אנה ברוק בנושא חישה מרחוק  באמצעות ליידר. כיום אני בשנה הראשונה בתואר שני מחקרי עם תזה בהתמחות במערכות מידע מרחבי (GIS וחישה מרחוק) בביה"ס . התזה שלי תשלב בין שני התחומים הקרובים לליבי ארכיאולוגיה ומערכות מידע מרחבית המספקת כלים לעיבוד מרחבי ופתרונות לסוגיות מרחביות שונות, היום אני עובד ברשות העתיקות ובחלק מעבודתי אני משתמש בכלים שרכשתי בתואר ומשלל הקורסים כגון GIS, מיפוי, עיבוד תמונה ועוד.

לבסוף האווירה בחוג היא משפחתית ואני ממליץ בחום על הלימודים בחוג שלנו ותודה אישית לרכזת התואר הראשון לימור פרסקו ולפרופ' אנה ברוק  על ההנחיה התמיכה לאורך התואר. 

רקפת דנה דיאמונד

Rakefet Dana Diamond

I recently graduated with honors from the dual-track BA program in Geography and Middle East. I had a great time studying in the Geography Department. The studies gave me a fascinating introduction to the "great world" and to natural and social phenomena. The department is unique since it stresses contemporary, practical and relevant topics and guides the students to develop predictability. That is why I think these studies are very relevant. Today, I am pursuing a master's degree in the department with a tourism thesis. I strongly advise you to study in our department.

מארון חדאד

Maron Hadad

My undergraduate experience at the University of Haifa's Department of Geography and Environmental Studies was transformative, and I am grateful for the positive and meaningful change I underwent. The right is for the encouraging and supportive faculty, the diverse course content they have delivered, the flexibility of time, and, not least, the spectacular scenery from every angle on campus. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to learn at first, and I often wondered, 'What's my passion?' However, I was aware that environmental issues were attracting my attention. So, despite my concerns about my future employment, I chose to study geography because of the wide range of fascinating, relevant, and timely global environmental issues it includes. By the end of my second year, my concern about finding work was over. I joined Dr. Anna Brook's remote sensing lab and geographic information systems (GIS) as a research assistant. Simultaneously, I began my first job as a mg operator in an electricity company. Then, for the past two years, I have managed the Nesher municipality's GIS system. At the end of my undergraduate degree, I became increasingly interested in climate, environment, and sustainability and their impact on public health, so I knew I'd pursue a master's degree in the department because of the personal attitude, lecturers, and diverse teaching that combines classroom, Space, and tours. This method instilled in me an understanding and appreciation for the field. Today, I am a graduate student working on a research project with Professor Shlomit Paz.

אלי אביאב

Eli Abiab

During my studies at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, I gained knowledge and tools for working in the field on a variety of topics. The studies are thorough and appealing to a wide range of professions, with fascinating enrichment courses, knowledge and processes related to the environment, urban planning, remote sensing, economics, and tourism. In particular, I gained invaluable experience working on seminars on urban and environmental planning under the personal supervision of Professor Rasem Khamaisi, a subject that I was eager to learn more about. Furthermore, the academic and administrative staff support and assist with all needs. The atmosphere in the department is family-like, and the Limor Fresco coordinator's sensitivity, support, and concern are strikingly positive. There is no doubt that my studies have provided me with valuable experience that has advanced me in terms of both acquiring relevant knowledge and practicing in the field.

סתו אברהם

Srav Abraham

My name is Stav Abraham, and I graduated from the University of Haifa's Geography Department. In 2019, I enrolled in a two-year single-track program, intending to graduate quickly and then pursue a master's degree at another university and field. Already in the first semester, when I was combining mandatory and elective courses, one of which was the "Geographic Association Conference Campus," where we were exposed to researchers in the field, various studies, and various aspects of this vast world that fall under the umbrella of 'geography,' opened my eyes. Geopolitics, Geochelp, GIS, Marine Geography, Light Pollution, Geology, Geomorphology, and Tourism are all examples of geopolitics. Aside from the interesting areas, our department is distinguished by a family atmosphere with an open academic and administrative staff. They are always available and convey a sense of concern, caring, and a desire to pass on knowledge out of a genuine love for the field they are exploring. By the second year of school, I knew that if I pursued a master's degree, it would be in this department. Today, I am in my second year of geography, majoring in spatial information systems, which immerses me in the GIS world and remote sensing, where I study various computational systems and tools for spatial processing and problem-solving. We took a big step in the same systems throughout the first year of the second degree, and I was fortunate to find a field for research in the thesis with the help of one of the researchers in the department who knew me from the first degree and introduced me as a research student under him in collaboration with another supervisor from another department. The fact that I went on to graduate in the department ensured that I had an early acquaintance with the faculty and a smooth transition into the research world. My thesis combines cultural-historical research with machine learning and GIS, and the work I was hired for full-time at HighTech is considered technical.