School of Environmental Sciences

Ph.D. Direct Program

Studies in this track are intended for outstanding master’s students who wish to continue to doctoral studies immediately. These students will be able to switch to a direct path to a doctorate at the end of the first year of MA studies while meeting the school's admission requirements.


  • An average grade of at least 90 at the bachelor's degree (from a recognized higher education institution in Israel or abroad) and at the end of the first year of the master's degree studies. During this year, one must attend and complete courses amounting to 13 points with numerical grades and submit a seminar paper that was graded at least 90.
  • Two recommendations from academic staff.
  • Written consent of the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.
  • A statement of the candidate's intentions regarding the proposed research topic (about 3-5 pages), approved by the supervisor of the designated doctoral thesis.
  • The doctoral committee of the school is entitled to invite the student to an interview with the committee of the school for third-degree studies as a condition for his admission to studies.
  • You can be admitted to the direct path in the first semester or the second semester of the first year of the master's degree studies only. A student may be admitted to a direct path to a doctorate no later than the end of the first year of study for a master's degree.

For more information, contact the School’s administration.