School of Environmental Sciences

Registration for doctoral studies

  • Contacting a potential supervisor and getting their consent in principle for supervision, as well as coordinating the research topic.
  • A supervisor must be a permanent school faculty member in the researcher's track (track A). Guidance by a supervisor who is not a faculty member in track A requires special approval from the committee.
  • The supervisor must sign a statement of intent and submit it to the committee.
  • The applicant for PhD studies must register through the online registration portal of the Student Administration Division.
  • A candidate for PhD studies must submit the following documents:
  1. CV in English.
  2. Graduation certificates of B.A and M.A studies, including grade sheets.
  3. A statement of intent (3-5 pages) written in English and approved and signed by the designated supervisor(s). Guidelines for writing a statement of intent.
  4. Summary of the proposed research topic in English (up to a page).
  5. At least two letters of recommendation from members of the academic staff who know the candidate personally will be sent directly by the recommenders to the departmental committee. One of the letters of recommendation will be from the supervisor of the research dissertation.
  6. Each letter of recommendation will be accompanied by a recommendation form for the candidate for the student's full doctoral studies and signed by the recommender.
  7. Academic publications (if any).

The doctoral committee reserves the right to invite the candidate to an admissions interview.