School of Environmental Sciences

Special Scholarships for the Students from Arab Society

Program Director - Professor Mashor housh

Registration for the academic year 2024-2025 is not open. Applications are accepted until August 31, 2024.

For new applicants of the Natural Resource and Environmental Management M.A. program in the academic year 2024-2025:

  • A. in Natural Resource and Environmental Management

This program aims to train a new generation of environmental leaders from the Arab Society who will serve as effective change agents in the environmental sector and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future in the Arab Society!

The M.A. program in Natural Resource and Environmental Management offers an intellectually stimulating and challenging experience. Students explore critical global environmental issues, specifically in Israel, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, ecosystem service degradation, natural resource depletion, urbanization trends, and more. The curriculum strongly emphasizes sustainability principles; hence, environmental and energy economics are emphasized.

  • Unique Natural Resource and Environmental Management program that includes specific enhancements and enrichments tailored to the Arab Society.
  • The program provides training for practical skills such as soft skills, specialized workshops in policy paper writing, understanding the organizational culture and structure of Arab local authorities, and educational tours. These activities are given during an additional day (Zoom and field trips).
  • Practical specialization- the program will have a practical specialization that offers an opportunity to gain experience in environmental management and sustainability principles.
  • The program is given in frontal learning on Thursdays over three semesters (Fall, Spring, and Summer).
  • Practical specialization will start in the Summer semester and the following Fall semester.
  • The total duration of study is four semesters (one calendar year and a Fall semester).
  • Full tuition scholarships are available for eligible candidates!

Scholarship Eligibility

  • The scholarship is intended for new M.A. students in Natural Resource and Environmental Management at the University of Haifa.
  • Candidates from the Arab community.
  • Applicants must have completed a bachelor's degree with an average score of 80 and not less than 76. Preference will be given to candidates working in Arab local authorities or in connection with local governance in Arab Society.

Obligations of the grantees:

Participation in training workshops.

Participation in practical specialization.

Participation in discussion circles.

Participation in tours.

To apply for the scholarship:

Send an email to Vicky Sirotah, which includes:

  • Confirmation of Registration for the M.A. in Natural Resource and Environmental Management.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • A motivation letter (up to one page) that describes why you are interested in pursuing an M.A. in Natural Resource and Environmental Management.

Suitable candidates will be invited for personal interviews.

Candidates not accepted into this specialized program may enroll in the school's regular program (without a scholarship).

For more details, please contact Mohammad Khaliliya at 054-2066879.