School of Environmental Sciences

Intended for students interested in specializing in geoinformatics. The track includes advanced technologies for collecting and analyzing geographic data, including geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (satellites, drones), geostatistics, and more. Graduates of the track will be able to integrate into the labor market in the sought after fields of study.

Level 2-3 courses offered in the track:


Mandatory introduction to remote sensing - 4 points, Prof. A. Brock

Advanced GIS - 4 points, Dr. M. Zohar

Modeling space in the raster world - 4 points, Prof. D. Malkinson

Python for beginners - 2 points, Dr. M. Zohar

Advanced Python - 2 points, Dr. M. Zohar

Computerized Matlab applications - 2 points, Prof. A. Brock

Mandatory seminar in spatial data science - 6 points, Dr. M. Zohar

The track includes 10 mandatory course credits and another 10 elective points, a total of 20 points